{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | Real run interpreter
module Control.Biegunka.Execute
  ( run, dryRun
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad
import           Prelude hiding (log, null)
import           System.IO.Error (tryIOError)

import           Control.Concurrent (forkFinally)
import           Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (readTVar, modifyTVar, writeTVar)
import           Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, retry)
import           Control.Lens hiding (op)
import           Control.Monad.Catch
  (SomeException, bracket, bracket_, onException, throwM, try)
import           Control.Monad.Free (Free(..))
import           Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO, liftIO)
import           Data.Functor.Trans.Tagged (untag)
import           Data.Default.Class (Default(..))
import           Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import           Data.Reflection (Reifies, reify)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified System.Directory as D
import           System.FilePath (dropFileName)
import           System.Posix.Files (createSymbolicLink, removeLink)
import           System.Posix.User
  ( getEffectiveUserID, getEffectiveGroupID
  , setEffectiveUserID, setEffectiveGroupID
  , getUserEntryForName, userID
  , getGroupEntryForID, getGroupEntryForName, groupID
import qualified System.Process as P

import           Control.Biegunka.Action (copy, applyPatch, verifyAppliedPatch)
import qualified Control.Biegunka.Log as Log
import           Control.Biegunka.Settings
  (Settings, Templates(..), templates, local, logger, colors, Mode(..), mode)
import qualified Control.Biegunka.Groups as Groups
import           Control.Biegunka.Execute.Settings
import           Control.Biegunka.Execute.Describe
  (termDescription, runChanges, action, exception, removal, retryCounter)
import           Control.Biegunka.Execute.Exception
import           Control.Biegunka.Language
import           Control.Biegunka.Biegunka (Interpreter, interpretOptimistically)
import qualified Control.Biegunka.Execute.Watcher as Watcher
import           Control.Biegunka.Script

-- | Real run interpreter
run :: Interpreter
run = interpretOptimistically go where
  go settings s = do
    let db' = Groups.fromScript s
    bracket (Groups.open settings) Groups.close $ \db -> do
      bracket getEffectiveUserID setEffectiveUserID $ \_ ->
        bracket getEffectiveGroupID setEffectiveGroupID $ \_ ->
          bracket Watcher.new Watcher.wait $ \watcher -> do
            r <- initializeSTM watcher
            runTask (settings & local .~ r) (task (settings^.mode.to io) def) s
      mapM_ (safely remove)          (Groups.diff Groups.files   (db^.Groups.these) db')
      mapM_ (safely removeDirectory) (Groups.diff Groups.sources (db^.Groups.these) db')
      Groups.commit (db & Groups.these .~ db')
    io Offline = runIOOffline
    io Online  = runIOOnline

    remove path = do
      file <- D.doesFileExist path
      case file of
        True  -> do
          Log.write (settings^.logger) $
            Log.plain (removal path)
          D.removeFile path
        False -> D.removeDirectoryRecursive path

    removeDirectory path = do
      directory <- D.doesDirectoryExist path
      case directory of
        True  -> do
          Log.write (settings^.logger) $
            Log.plain (removal path)
          D.removeDirectoryRecursive path
        False -> return ()

    safely doThings = tryIOError . doThings

-- | Dry run interpreter
dryRun :: Interpreter
dryRun = interpretOptimistically $ \settings s -> do
  let db' = Groups.fromScript s
  bracket (Groups.open settings) Groups.close $ \db -> do
    bracket Watcher.new Watcher.wait $ \watcher -> do
      r <- initializeSTM watcher
      runTask (settings & local .~ r) (task runPure def) s
    Log.write (settings^.logger) $
      Log.plain (runChanges (settings^.colors) db db')

-- | Prepares environment to run task with given execution routine
  :: forall s m. MonadIO m
  => Settings Execution
  -> (forall t. Reifies t (Settings Execution) => Free (Term Annotate s) () -> Executor t ())
  -> Free (Term Annotate s) () -- ^ Task contents
  -> m ()
runTask e f s = do
  Watcher.register (e^.watch)
  liftIO $ forkFinally (reify e (untag . asProxyOf (f s))) (\_ -> Watcher.unregister (e^.watch))
  return ()

-- | Thread `s' parameter to 'task' function
asProxyOf :: Executor s () -> Proxy s -> Executor s ()
asProxyOf a _ = a

-- | Run single 'Sources' task
-- "Forks" on 'TS'.
-- Note: current thread continues to execute what's inside the
-- task, but all the other stuff is queued for execution in scheduler
  :: forall t. Reifies t (Settings Execution)
  => (forall s b t'. Reifies t' (Settings Execution) => Term Annotate s b -> Executor t' (IO ()))
  -> Retry
  -> Free (Term Annotate Sources) ()
  -> Executor t ()
task f = go
    :: Reifies t (Settings Execution)
    => Retry
    -> Free (Term Annotate Sources) ()
    -> Executor t ()
  go retries (Free c@(TS _ _ _ t@(Free _))) = do
    e <- env
    runTask e (task f def) t
    go retries (Free (Pure () <$ c))
  go retries (Free c@(TS (AS { asToken }) _ b (Pure _))) = do
    try (command f c) >>= \case
      Left e -> checkRetryCount retries (getRetries c) e >>= \case
        True  -> go (incr retries) (Free (Pure () <$ c))
        False -> case getReaction c of
          Abortive -> doneWith asToken
          Ignorant -> do
            taskAction f def b
            doneWith asToken
      Right _ -> do
        taskAction f def b
        doneWith asToken
  go _ (Free c@(TM _ x)) = do
    command f c
    go def x
  go _ (Pure _) = return ()

-- | Run single 'Actions' task
  :: forall t. Reifies t (Settings Execution)
  => (forall a s. Term Annotate s a -> Executor t (IO ()))
  -> Retry
  -> Free (Term Annotate Actions) ()
  -> Executor t ()
taskAction f = go
    :: Reifies t (Settings Execution)
    => Retry
    -> Free (Term Annotate Actions) a
    -> Executor t ()
  go retries a@(Free c@(TA _ _ x)) =
    try (command f c) >>= \case
      Left e -> checkRetryCount retries (getRetries c) e >>= \case
        True  -> go (incr retries) a
        False -> case getReaction c of
          Abortive -> return ()
          Ignorant -> go def x
      Right _ -> go def x
  go _ (Free c@(TM _ x)) = do
    command f c
    go def x
  go _ (Pure _) = return ()

-- | Get response from task failure processing
-- Possible responses: retry command execution or ignore failure or abort task
  :: forall s. Reifies s (Settings Execution)
  => Retry
  -> Retry
  -> SomeException
  -> Executor s Bool
checkRetryCount doneRetries maximumRetries exc = do
  log <- env^!acts.logger
  scm <- env^!acts.colors
  liftIO $ do
    Log.write log $
      Log.exception (termDescription (exception scm exc))
    if doneRetries < maximumRetries then do
      Log.write log $
        Log.exception (termDescription $
          retryCounter scm (unRetry (incr doneRetries)) (unRetry maximumRetries))
      return True
      return False

-- | Single command execution
  :: Reifies t (Settings Execution)
  => (Term Annotate s a -> Executor t (IO ()))
  -> Term Annotate s a
  -> Executor t ()
command _ (TM (Wait waits) _) = do
  watcher <- env^!acts.watch
  Watcher.waitDone watcher waits
command getIO term = do
  users <- env^!acts.user
  io    <- getIO term
  liftIO $ case getUser term of
    Nothing  ->
    Just (UserW u) -> do
      -- I really hope that stuff does not change
      -- while biegunka run is in progress
      gid <- getGID u
      uid <- getUID u
      bracket_ (acquire users uid) (release users uid) $ do
        setEffectiveGroupID gid
        setEffectiveUserID uid
  acquire users uid = atomically $ do
    -- So, first get current user/count
    mu <- readTVar users
    case mu^.at uid of
      -- If *this* user is not inside yet
          -- and there is no *current* user, just let him in
          -- and set counter to 1
        | null mu ->
          writeTVar users (mu & at uid ?~ 1)
          -- and there is a *current* user, retry
          -- until he leaves
        | otherwise ->
      -- If *this* user is inside, increment the counter and
      -- let him in
      Just _ ->
        writeTVar users (mu & ix uid +~ 1)

  release users uid = atomically $
    -- On leave, decrement counter
    -- If counter approaches zero, then current user left
    modifyTVar users (at uid . non 0 -~ 1)

  getUID (UserID i)   = return i
  getUID (Username n) = userID <$> getUserEntryForName n
  getGID (UserID i)   = groupID <$> getGroupEntryForID (fromIntegral i)
  getGID (Username n) = groupID <$> getGroupEntryForName n

  :: Reifies t (Settings Execution)
  => Term Annotate s a
  -> Executor t (IO ())
runIOOnline term = do
  log <- env^!acts.logger
  scm <- env^!acts.colors
  io  <- ioOnline term
  let message = Log.write log (Log.plain (termDescription (action scm term)))
  return (message *> io)

  :: Reifies t (Settings Execution)
  => Term Annotate s a
  -> Executor t (IO ())
ioOnline term = case term of
  TS _ (Source _ _ dst update) _ _ -> do
    rstv <- env^!acts.repos
    return $ do
      updated <- atomically $ do
        rs <- readTVar rstv
        if dst `S.member` rs
          then return True
          else do
            writeTVar rstv $ S.insert dst rs
            return False
      unless updated $ do
        D.createDirectoryIfMissing True $ dropFileName dst
        update dst
      atomically (modifyTVar rstv (S.delete dst))
  TA _ (Link src dst) _ -> return $ overWriteWith createSymbolicLink src dst
  TA _ (Copy src dst spec) _ -> return $ do
    try (D.removeDirectoryRecursive dst) :: IO (Either IOError ())
    D.createDirectoryIfMissing True $ dropFileName dst
    copy src dst spec
  TA _ (Template src dst substitute) _ -> do
    Templates ts <- env^!acts.templates
    return $
      overWriteWith (\s d -> T.writeFile d . substitute ts =<< T.readFile s) src dst
  TA _ (Command p spec) _ -> return $ do
    (_, _, Just errors, ph) <- P.createProcess $
        { P.cmdspec      = spec
        , P.cwd          = Just p
        , P.env          = Nothing
        , P.std_in       = P.Inherit
        , P.std_out      = P.CreatePipe
        , P.std_err      = P.CreatePipe
        , P.close_fds    = False
        , P.create_group = False
    e <- P.waitForProcess ph
    e `onFailure` \status ->
      T.hGetContents errors >>= throwM . ShellException spec status
  TA _ (Patch patch file spec) _ -> return $ do
    verified <- verifyAppliedPatch patch file spec
    unless verified $
      applyPatch patch file spec
  TM _ _ -> return $ return ()
  overWriteWith g src dst = do
    D.createDirectoryIfMissing True $ dropFileName dst
    tryIOError (removeLink dst) -- needed because removeLink throws an unintended exception if file is absent
    g src dst

  :: Reifies t (Settings Execution)
  => Term Annotate s a
  -> Executor t (IO ())
runIOOffline t@(TS {}) = runPure t
runIOOffline t         = runIOOnline t

  :: (Applicative m, Reifies t (Settings Execution))
  => Term Annotate s a
  -> Executor t (m ())
runPure _ = pure (pure ())

-- | Tell execution process that you're done with task
doneWith :: Reifies t (Settings Execution) => Token -> Executor t ()
doneWith tok = do
  watcher <- env^!acts.watch
  Watcher.done watcher tok

-- | Get retries maximum associated with term
getRetries :: Term Annotate s a -> Retry
getRetries (TS (AS { asMaxRetries }) _ _ _) = asMaxRetries
getRetries (TA (AA { aaMaxRetries }) _ _) = aaMaxRetries
getRetries (TM _ _) = def

-- | Get user associated with term
getUser :: Term Annotate s a -> Maybe UserW
getUser (TS (AS { asUser }) _ _ _) = asUser
getUser (TA (AA { aaUser }) _ _) = aaUser
getUser (TM _ _) = Nothing

-- | Get reaction associated with term
getReaction :: Term Annotate s a -> React
getReaction (TS (AS { asReaction }) _ _ _) = asReaction
getReaction (TA (AA { aaReaction }) _ _) = aaReaction
getReaction (TM _ _) = Ignorant