{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-- | Biegunka.Source.Darcs - functions to work with darcs repositories as sources
module Biegunka.Source.Darcs
  ( -- * Source layer
    darcs, darcs_
  ) where

import Control.Exception (SomeException (..), fromException, handle)
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
import Data.Text             (pack)
import System.Directory      (doesDirectoryExist)
import System.FilePath.Posix (takeDirectory)

import           Darcs.Commands (DarcsCommand (commandCommand))
import           Darcs.Commands.Get (get)
import           Darcs.Commands.Pull (pull)
import qualified Darcs.Flags as F
import           Darcs.Utils (withCurrentDirectory)

import Biegunka.Language
import Biegunka.Script (Script, sourced)
import Biegunka.Execute.Exception

-- | Clone repository from the given url to specified path and/or pull.
-- Also executes attached script
-- > darcs "https://example.com/repository" "darcs/repository" $ do
-- >   registerAt "some/not/so/long/path"
-- >   link "important.file" ".config"
-- * get repository from https:\/\/example.com\/repository to ${HOME}\/darcs\/repository
-- * link ${HOME}\/darcs\/repository to ${HOME}\/some\/not\/so\/long\/path
-- * link ${HOME}\/darcs\/repository\/important.file to ${HOME}\/.config
darcs :: String -> FilePath -> Script Actions () -> Script Sources ()
darcs url path script = sourced "darcs" url path script (updateDarcs url)
{-# INLINE darcs #-}

-- | Clone repository from the given url to specified path
-- > darcs_ "https://example.com/repository" "darcs/repository"
-- * get repository from https:\/\/example.com\/repository to ${HOME}\/darcs\/repository
darcs_ :: String -> FilePath -> Script Sources ()
darcs_ url path = darcs url path (return ())
{-# INLINE darcs_ #-}

updateDarcs :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
updateDarcs url path = do
  exists <- doesDirectoryExist path
  handle check $ if exists
    then -- pull
      withCurrentDirectory path $ commandCommand pull [F.Quiet, F.All] [url]
    else -- get
      withCurrentDirectory parent_path $ commandCommand get [F.Quiet] [url,path]

  parent_path = takeDirectory path

  check :: SomeException -> IO ()
  check e =
    case fromException e :: Maybe ExitCode of
      Just ExitSuccess -> return ()
      Just _ -> f
      Nothing -> f
    f = sourceFailure url path $ pack $ show e